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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Trip is on

We are leaving for Nevada by way of Arizona on Tuesday August 10th. Going to take a southern route, thru Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Stopping at Lake Powell to visit Rainbow Bridge.

Heading up to Montello Monday Aug 16. I will stay till Sunday and JT will stay awhile longer.

My surgery went well, just have to take things slow and easy for awhile.

Cant wait to see everyone again!!!


Think Tank ENT said...

Just searching for Montello homesteaders on google and saw the blog, I own 20 acres just west of town, and currently live in Las Vegas. Hope your trip goes well.

JT and Sandy said...

Thanks, Let us know when you come up to visit so we can meet! Sandy and JT

Think Tank ENT said...

Sounds great! Off to get a new truck tomorrow, hope to make it up in a couple weeks. I will update along the way. I am honed in on a Dodge Ram right now.
