Click for Montello, Nevada Forecast

Monday, May 16, 2011

It is still a lovely site.

Thanks Geoff for the picture when the tower was first built.

Update, cell service is back up. Whomever is responsible. THANK YOU


MontelloOffGrid said...

good to hear!...thank you.

Unknown said...

Well I am one to toot my own horn, but I can toot my wifes too. She spent hours on the phone sitting in the car in that spot south on Hwy 233 that gets the signal. She called AT&T but they show no record of the tower. She called Verizon, but as you mentioned they have no record of the tower. So get this, despite the AT&T buyout, Alltel still owns the tower, and up until my wife put in a trouble ticket to get it fixed, they had no idea it was even down. So the next day after she entered the trouble ticket, she followed up with them, and a few hours after she called it came back up. I guess its one of those situations where someone just had to re-set something. Yikers! So thats the straight scoop straight from the source. Alltel still owns the tower, ATT has not integrated the tower yet, and who knows if it ever really will. The funny thing is somehow we are still Alltel customers. We have a box that has our ATT phones it it collecting dust in a corner.

JT and Sandy said...

Thanks guys. The whole town is gratefull!!!