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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Next stop Montello, Hits a bump in the road

Not sure how this will effect our permanent relocation date to Montello, Nevada, but JT is no longer working at the Ranch. With the amount of work required of him, there were not enough hours in the day to work on our homestead. Many projects were put off over the last 10 months and no changes were seen to be forthcoming. Great adventure, sorry to see it end,but hopefully other opportunities will arise, to keep JT in Nevada until I can join him.


MontelloOffGrid said...

mankind does it everyday, but we simply weren't meant to work so many hours!

my hats off to JT for lasting as long as he did. I never could have done it!!! Let JT know I'll be heading out there in the next week or two for a couple days and we should tackle that wind generator...if he hasn't already!!! I'll contact him directly when my plans firm up.

Jeremy Creasy said...

Tell me about it! I've been working 13 hour days in my new position. But that will actually HELP us get to Nevada. We're also considering opening a Juice Bar business with a couple that were friends with and that may turn out profitable enough to help us with our Nevada plan. We're still shooting for next spring/early summer; assuming nothing else gets in our way. Keep the dreams alive guys, we're on our way to help!

Anonymous said...

JT, When one door closes another opens but I think you already know that. Thanks for comming to the fire board meeting today. No pay but we do need you. I am getting burned out. Would you consider takeing my place on the board ? I think that you are the man for the job. Pretty low keyed untill a big problem comes up like we have had over the last several months. Let me know what you think.

Thanks in advance,

Brent Palmer, Tecoma Fire Board Chairman